Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25

!Art Updates!

No update on the current class projects. Just updating my DA link with a professional account linked to IP itself. From now on everything associated with IP will be posted on this account.

!Topic of the day!

Support the arts! Donate for an Octobloop!

Happiness is an octobloop on your head

ManifestedDreams' Etsy

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April, 21

!Art Updates!

-Photo Narative: DONE!
Gabe Vs The Cake

-Pixel Girl: DONE!
PokeNight May Calendar
I had to cut out the words from the original cuse of the rules but I loved the original more so here it is.
Gotta catch em all! Warcraft Pokemon!

-Etsy: I posted my mosaic Murky a few weeks ago and realized that I really liked how it came out and I had a lot of fun doing it despite how much work I had to do to make it. So I'm crafting the 3 Murlock sibling pets the same way I did Murky, print them on good quality card stock, and mount them on good quality black threw-and-threw foam core.
Murky - WAS 100% but my computer decided to eat the file. Its too blurry when it prints. I wont sell a low quality piece so I'm re-doing it.
Lurky - 100%
Gurky - ???

-Collaboration: Waiting on Angel. :3

-Web Portfolio: DONE!
eDocs: InfinitysProductions
dropbox(aka permanent): InfinitysProductions

-dropbox is a free web hosting site that is, so far, the best way to publish an iWeb website outside of paying for MobileMe that I've found. You download there program (I've had no issues and it comes highly recommended so I'm 99.99999999% sure its perfectly safe) which creates a folder on your system that is directly linked to there web hosting system and as long as your connected to the web your files will be automatically updated when you save from iWeb.

You get 2GBs free but you can pay to get more. But to put it in perspective, my whole site only takes up 4MBs which barely moves the used space bar.

-Stop Motion: DONE!
Fading Flowers

!Topic of the day!

Support the arts! Donate for an Octobloop!

Happiness is an octobloop on your head

ManifestedDreams' Etsy

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April, 20

!Art Updates!

-Photo Narative: DONE!
Gabe Vs The Cake

-Pixel Girl: DONE!
PokeNight May Calendar
I had to cut out the words from the original cuse of the rules but I loved the original more so here it is.
Gotta catch em all! Warcraft Pokemon!

-Etsy: Got it back, need to photoshoot and post it.

-Collaboration: Waiting on Angel. :3

-Web Portfolio: DONE!
eDocs: InfinitysProductions
dropbox(aka permanent): InfinitysProductions

-dropbox is a free web hosting site that is, so far, the best way to publish an iWeb website outside of paying for MobileMe that I've found. You download there program (I've had no issues and it comes highly recommended so I'm 99.99999999% sure its perfectly safe) which creates a folder on your system that is directly linked to there web hosting system and as long as your connected to the web your files will be automatically updated when you save from iWeb.

You get 2GBs free but you can pay to get more. But to put it in perspective, my whole site only takes up 4MBs which barely moves the used space bar.

-Stop Motion: DONE!
Fading Flowers

!Topic of the day!

Support the arts! Donate for an Octobloop!

Happiness is an octobloop on your head

ManifestedDreams' Etsy

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15: Updated

I guess I could have waited 10 minutes and had April 16th hu? Oh well. Just updating with the Web Portfolio. At the moment I havn't purchased a domain so all I have are the raw links.

!Art Updates!

-Photo Narative: DONE!
Gabe Vs The Cake

-Pixel Girl:



-Web Portfolio: DONE!
eDocs: InfinitysProductions
dropbox(aka permanent): InfinitysProductions

-dropbox is a free web hosting site that is, so far, the best way to publish an iWeb website outside of paying for MobileMe that I've found. You download there program (I've had no issues and it comes highly recommended so I'm 99.99999999% sure its perfectly safe) which creates a folder on your system that is directly linked to there web hosting system and as long as your connected to the web your files will be automatically updated when you save from iWeb.

You get 2GBs free but you can pay to get more. But to put it in perspective, my whole site only takes up 4MBs which barely moves the used space bar.

-Stop Motion: DONE!
Fading Flowers

!Topic of the day!

Support the arts! Donate for an Octobloop!

Happiness is an octobloop on your head

ManifestedDreams' Etsy

April 15

3 Weeks strong! Yay!

Personal update: Hu, I guess threw all this I havn't posted a link to my personal DA page. Well, I sorta did in the last post I guess. I think I might make a professional DA account for InfinitysProductions eventually, though. Anyway, here is a link to my personal DA.

InfinitysDaughter on Deviant Art

Also, I'm still not sick! I feel sick but I'm not. Xd Pollen is my enemy. D:

!Art Updates!

-Photo Narative: DONE!
Gabe Vs The Cake

-Pixel Girl:



-Web Portfolio:

-Stop Motion: DONE!
Fading Flowers

!Topic of the day!

Support the arts! Donate for an Octobloop!

Happiness is an octobloop on your head

ManifestedDreams' Etsy

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 07

Holy Hell! 2 weeks in a row! On Time! I must be sick. @.@ And I just realized that last weeks update was dated wrong. XD

Personal update: I'M NOT SICK ANYMORE! WOO! And my hand is almost all better! I've been drawing like crazy lately. My drawing teacher is going to get my sketchbook and think I was drunk or high for most of them. I swear I wasn't! I'm just glad I can draw again so I'm drawing practically everything that comes to mind. X3

Also, I'm in a really good mood. I got into the Juried show at school. My naked man puzzle and a poster I did for another graphics class that I was particularly proud of.

!Art Updates!

-Photo Narative: DONE!
Gabe Vs The Cake

-Pixel Girl: Rough color to do and will be up.

-Etsy: Done. Just waiting to get it back. Probably next week.

-Collaboration: I actually figured out what I wanted to do a day or so after the last post (yes I AM a bad blogger. we've been threw this). My friend lives right near the collage my parents went to so we are doing an "Old/New" sort of things comparing and contrasting UIS with McKendry.

-Web Portfolio: Done. Probably wont be posted till last minute, though, cuse I find something I just "need" to change every time I look at it. So I'm trying not to look at it anymore. @.@

-Stop Motion: I'm photographing the steady deterioration of a bouquet of flowers my grams got for my b-day.

!Topic of the day!

I'm too tired to think of anything witty to say tonight. So here's a Murloc instead.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 03

Fun times abound....somewhere else. I am currently in Physical Therapy for the hand because, apparently, the nerves and tendons have shortened up (something about there soft tissue so they do that. I'm not exactly clear why, thats just what the PT lady said) cuasing me pain every time I straightened out my arm or tried to lift anything. Its finally letting up, though. FINALLY.

!Art Updates!

-Photo Narative: Done. Just have to post it.

-Pixel Girl: Still a little more to do but almost done.

-Etsy: Done. Have to turn it in and get it back, though. >> Though I guess I could take a picture of it and post it now... I just dont know how long it would take to get it back.

-Collaboration: I actually figured out what I wanted to do a day or so after the last post (yes I AM a bad blogger. we've been threw this). My friend lives right near the collage my parents went to so we are doing an "Old/New" sort of things comparing and contrasting UIS with McKendry.

-Web Portfolio: Done. Probably wont be posted till last minute, though, cuse I find something I just "need" to change every time I look at it. So I'm trying not to look at it anymore. @.@

-Stop Motion: I'm photographing the steady deterioration of a bouquet of flowers my grams got for my b-day.

!Topic of the day!

I finished the book I partially reviewed last post so I can give a full opinion now. READ IT! Seriously. Its an amazing book. Its just an amazing must read!